Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The long wait is over.

So what's this full-timing thing all about? Well, for us, it's a dream we've been working towards for 8 years. It took that long to buy our 5th wheel RV, modify a class 8 truck (it's a semi or what is commonly known as the tractor part of a tractor/trailer), rent our house and rid ourselves of most of our possessions. Oh yeah, and get enough years on the Richmond VA Police Department to retire.
And on December 31, 2009 all of this came to fruition and we were free! Well, almost. We were actually stuck in Amelia, VA for about 6 extra weeks due to the three major snow-storms that paralyzed the Mid-Atlantic region. But we're on the road now and enjoying life!
So come along with us on our journey. We'll share some of our philosophy with you and let you know where we are and what we're up to. In the next few days, we'll post some pictures of our truck and RV along with a couple more of our first stops in Dillon, SC and Townsend, GA. As you might have guessed, we're heading south to warmer weather.

1 comment:

  1. Oh isnt life rosey! Sugar coat it as much as you like...I know you've never been so realize now that life at RPD really was paradise and you rue the day you careful what you wish for!
