Friday, June 11, 2010

National Geograhic

(First, an apology for the quality of the pictures.  Val and I forgot to bring our cameras on our walk, so these were done with my phone.)
Wednesday we took a ride to DC where we met up with Matt and took a tour of National Geographic where he is working as an intern in the book division.  We were able to get to some areas not commonly seen including the book layout room and the Nat Geo library.  It was fascinating to see how much work goes into creating, organizing and publishing one of National Geographic's books.  It's no wonder that they are the gold standard for photo and travel books.

This is the original building built in 1888 which is still used and is part of the complex.

Requisite White House shot I took during our walk at lunch time.

After the tour, we took the Metro back to Chris and Nancy's house on Capital Hill where we had a variety of great Belgian ales followed by a wonderful steak dinner accompanied by a fantastic Cabernet that Chris brought up from his wine cellar.  Needless to say, we were ready for a good nights rest.

Then it was off to Fenwick (where I sit right now watching the sun rise over the ocean) for a few days so that we can finish getting the house ready for the rental season.  We should be here until Monday when we head back to Gloucester.

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