Saturday, June 19, 2010

Life Changes

It's amazing how life changes so quickly.  Plans are made.  Lines are drawn on maps.  And then...
For those who haven't been notified, Val's youngest sister, Joanie, had some shortness of breath and, thank goodness, after some pressure from her sister Mary, the doctor finally agreed to do a CAT scan. It was apparent after the test that she was in immediate need of medical attention due to clots in her lungs.  She arrived at Henrico Doctor's Hospital and we all rallied around her.  That was Wednesday.  On Thursday there seemed to be some improvement in her condition, but at 3:45 PM, a clot traveled through a small hole in her heart and made it to the right side of her brain causing a stroke.  Mary and a nurse were with her so she immediately got any medical help she needed.  But despite all the care, she still remains in critical condition with loss of feeling in her entire left side.  The good news is that she still has her communication skills.  Her sense of humor and strength of spirit are still there.  But she has a long way to go.  She is going to need your support and prayers for a long time.

1 comment:

  1. Val -
    We are so saddened by the news of your sister. Please know that she will be in our prayers daily.
