Thursday, December 1, 2011

Baby, it's cold outside.

What a change.  We're sitting here in the RV after quickly stowing the grill, chairs and table.  The fireplace is on, and we're listening to Christmas music by way of Spotify, my new favorite music program that seems to have practically every album/CD ever recorded.  I few days ago I went to several lists of the top Christmas CD's for 2010/2011 and added them to my Christmas music playlist.  All but one was on Spotify, so we're listening to all the new music.  Cool.
But back to the "Baby, it's cold outside" title.  It's been chilly at night here near Cottonwood, but days have been beautiful with sunny skies and temperatures in the 70's. Today starts several days of temps in the low 50's (hopefully!) and nights in the 30's and maybe dipping into the 20's. There is even a chance of snow  for the next two days.  I guess we waited a little too long to move further south.  We leave next Thursday for Yuma.
Actually the cold weather will let us do some housekeeping and pre-Christmas prep that we need to get done.  We're flying back to VA on the 20th and have some plans to finish.

Meanwhile, we went to Jerome with Russ and Jodi a few days ago and had a wonderful day.  We started with breakfast at a little place called the Mile High Cafe (since Jerome is right at a mile high) and then spent several hours exploring the town with all its shops and views.  (Margie and Dee:  you will love it there!)

One of the views as we walked through Jerome.

And just to remind us of how much we miss Lola, we saw this shop.

And to remind Dean of what I told him when they got Lola...

On another day, Val and I took the bike up through Jerome and over the mountains to Prescott.  It was a beautiful ride on a warm day.  And two days ago we took the bike on 89 north through Sedona to Flagstaff.  The ride was amazing with the red rock formations all around and great mountain views.  We plan to go back to Sedona to explore if the weather breaks before we have to leave.  Let's hope it does.  Otherwise, we'll be back here in a couple of months.

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